Thursday, 10 June 2010

Incarnational Living - What's that about then?

I need your help. I have to write a dissertation. By the end of July. Do you know something, even going through my first year Greek textbook has proved more appealing during the last week than seriously knuckling down to writing 10,000 words in order to finish my theology degree. But write a dissertation I must!

So then you ask, what will this dissertation be upon? Well, I'm glad you asked. It's on incarnational mission, incarnational living. What is this incarnational living, and more precisely, what sort of theological foundation, if any, has it got? These thoughts will occupy my mind for the next eight or nine weeks. They will also occupy any blogs that I may happen to write.

Here's a question to get the ball rolling though: What was the purpose of the incarnation? Why did it happen? Why did the eternal Son of God take human flesh? Why did he become a man?

I don't know how many people visit this blog, but I'd like to hear your answers, whoever you are, so please leave them in the comments box and we'll see if we can come to some sort of consensus. Hopefully a biblical one!

Why did God become a human being?