Wednesday 21 May 2014

God knows we aren't perfect, so he'll accept us in to heaven just as we are ... won't he?

On Sunday night after church my wife had a fascinating chat with a lady who's only fairly recently become a Christian. She was talking about an opportunity she'd had to witness that week to a colleague at work. Her colleague was apologising for a mistake, and mention had been made of the fact that no-one's perfect. Somehow the conversation then turned to heaven and this lady's colleague commented that it's just as well God accepts everyone in to heaven just as they are, imperfections and all. 

How would you respond to that? 

Our friend's response was brilliant. This is the general gist of what she said:

"Actually I don't want to go to heaven if I'm not perfect, that would ruin it, I would ruin it, it would be no better than here. Only Jesus was perfect, so only he qualifies for heaven, only he wouldn't ruin it. But the great thing is that I know as someone who's trusted him that he's paid for all my imperfections on the cross, and when I physically die he's promised to make me perfect like him, so that I'm fit for heaven too and don't ruin it."

If God accepts us in to heaven just the way we are, then heaven won't be a great place will it! We need Jesus to make us perfect for heaven.

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